Acquirers & Processors: How to Simplify VCR and Streamline VMPI

Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) and Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry (VMPI) promise a cost-effective, standardized process for dispute resolution.

Here is what acquirers and processors need to know about program updates and how to optimize the transition process.

How to Streamline VMPI

Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry (VMPI) is a platform that enables merchants to communicate directly with issuers to exchange detailed transaction data in real time.

Merchants have two VMPI response options.

One response option is to provide additional information about the transaction in question. This helps the issuer clarify details with the cardholder and potentially prevent the dispute from progressing further.

The second response option is to share a credit notice, which indicates the merchant intends to refund the original transaction.

The primary benefit of VMPI is that it has the potential to effectively resolve disputes. However, this benefit comes with a few challenges.

  1. VMPI responses must be submitted to the issuer in two seconds or less.
  2. Merchant must integrate directly to Visa or to a Visa facilitator.
  3. As other card brands produce their versions of VMPI, merchants will need to execute additional integrations.

Fortunately, these challenges can be easily overcome. As a Visa facilitator, Midigator® can help streamline the VMPI integration. With one integration to Midigator, merchants can experience maximum chargeback prevention without any hassle for them or you!

If you’d like to learn more, 

How to Simplify VCR

VCR will change nearly every component of the dispute-resolution process. However, those changes don’t necessarily need to be bad, stressful, or confusing.

Chargeback and dispute resolution has always been an arduous process for merchants, acquirers, and processors. VCR will be an opportunity to balance the equation and give merchants more of a say in how disputes are handled.

The easiest, most efficient way to comply with VCR requirements is for merchants to automate the dispute-response process. If your merchants embrace a technology solution, dispute responses really will be as simple and as cost-effective as Visa has intended.


  Merchants will more than likely struggle to compile and submit dispute responses within newly-shortened time frames.

 The longer it takes for merchants to submit dispute responses, the more you’ll pay in fees. Manual processes are time-consuming, so you can expect costs to increase.

Supporting both old and new dispute processes simultaneously will be challenging, wasting money and reducing revenue returns.

Guidelines and timeframes will continue to evolve. Staying current will create hassle for merchants and increase strain on internal processor support resources.

Your merchants will experience sub-par win rates and leave a lot of revenue on the table.


  Technology will immediately match disputes with pertinent transaction data, eliminating the risk of expired cases.

The faster your merchants respond to disputes, the less you’ll pay in fees. Technology provides near real-time communication — the fastest responses possible.

Midigator customizes each dispute package by reason code and your personal preferences. This ensures every dispute response is compliant with the latest rules and regulations.

Merchants will be prepared for industry updates because their technology approach is agile, dynamic, and adaptable.

Your merchants will experience the highest win rate and ROI possible.

Ready to Capitalize on Visa’s New Programs?

Midigator has already been accepted as a Visa facilitator and is ready to assist you and your merchants.

If you’re ready to streamline VMPI and simplify VCR, 

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